Justice for All

The justice system ought to be modernized. We should have equal justice for all people regardless of income, race, religion, or creed.

Unifying Leadership

Hyperpartisan politics have harmed our nation. In divided government, we look forward to introducing policies which will receive bipartisan support and can be enacted into law.

Addressing Addiction

Addiction to dangerous drugs such as fentanyl has become a critical issue in our community. We must offer real solutions and help for those who are addicted while also addressing the illicit trafficking of lethal drugs.

Community Safety

We support funding our police and ensuring that they have the proper training and zoning to protect our community.

Pro-Family Policies

We believe in policies which protect the family and help families choose life. Families with dependent children should pay less in taxes.


The unhoused population is growing in our state. We must accredit more organizations to deal with the homelessness crisis and disincentivize aspects of the unhoused lifestyle to encourage those most in need to seek help.

First Responders

Our first responders should be well funded and should receive proper coverage when it comes to mental healthcare. They are the local heroes of our community.

Reduce Inflation

We must balance our budget and reduce inflation by cutting spending in the state of Arizona. We must not artificially pump money into the economy or force employers to make decisions which would harm not just their business, but the Arizona economy at large.

Fund Public Schools

We should increase teacher pay using state land trust funds, improve academic standards in our public school districts, and ensure that our public schools have the resources to succeed.

School Security

Whether educational entities want to use SROs or to employ private security, children should feel safe attending our local schools. We should not have students repeatedly bringing handguns to school or getting in violent physical fights.

Improve Education

Every family deserves excellent education options regardless of their income or zip code. We believe in keeping the government out of curricula and giving families choice on where their children can attend school – even if that choice is not a district public school.

Reduce Healthcare Costs

We believe in reducing healthcare premiums and enhancing price transparency to lower healthcare costs across the board for Arizonans.

Conserve Our Water

We must always be data-driven when examining water policy. Arizona is a desert and water is our most precious resource. We must conserve it for the long term.

Lower Cost of Living

The cost of living has skyrocketed in Maricopa County over the past five years. We advocate for policies which would lower the cost of living by increasing competition in various industries and lowering the cost of homeownership.

Community Engagement

We believe that your Representatives and Senator should be in constant communication with the local community. We will always be accessible to our constituents and lend an open ear to their concerns.

Right to Repair

We believe that you should be able to repair your own property. There are ways to pass common sense Right to Repair legislation without infringing upon business rights and with protecting intellectual property.

Stop Extremism

We are committed to standing up for common sense policies which are evidence-based and we are opposed to extremist ideologies such as fascism, communism, and antisemitism.